Thursday, March 26, 2009

Turkey Has Three Problems - Cyprus, Kurdish And Armenian


France's ex Prime Minister Michel Rochard said that he believes thatTurkey deserves its place in Europe but, on Turkey's road to acceptanceinto the EU, it has to face three major obstacles, namely the Cyprus,Kurdish and Armenian problems. Rochard said that a Cyprus solutionwill be a political decision that would greatly help Turkey move astep closer to the EU. According to a press release from Turkey'sAltogether Development Foundation (IKV), joint work has been carriedout by IKV, Yeditepe University Law School and the University ofParis X Nanterre with there aim being 'To Move on from the fears ofTurkey entering Europe'.

A conference was held in Paris on the 12 and 13 March at which the formerFrench PM made a speech in which he saidthat their main aim was to abolish customs duties between the rest ofEurope and Turkey and after a while for it, like the rest of Europe,to start using the euro. He believed that Turkey deserved a placein the EU, but that they will immediately have to face their threebiggest problems, the Cyprus, Armenian and Kurdish problems. Rochardsaid the current state of the Cyprus problem is the main cause of theset back.

Turkey has taken the right steps under the United Nationssupervision and by the Turkish Cypriots saying 'Yes' to the referendumwas also one step closer to a set solution and EU acceptance.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Armenian participation the Kurdish conference

International Conference
The Kurds and Kurdistan: Identity, Politics, History
2nd and 3rd April, 2009
Centre for Kurdish Studies
Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies
University of Exeter

Vahe Boyajian, Yerevan State University
Notes on the Balochi Tribes of Kurdish Origin

President of Kurdish Council of Armenia: Turkey still committing genocide


Turkey committed Genocide of Armenians at the state level in 1915. Now it is committing Genocide of Kurds, President of Kurdish Council of Armenia Knyaz Hasanov said at a press conference in Yerevan Tuesday. He said Kurds are severely repressed in Turkey and put against
each other. In particular, thousands of Kurds are forcefully sent to Iraq to fight against their compatriots residing in that country.

As regards the participation on Kurds in the massacre of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, K. Hasanov said those were separate Kurds and not the whole nation.

For his part, Chairman of the Public Organization of Greeks of Armenia 'Patrida' Eduard Polatov said Greek have always been for recognition of Armenian Genocide. 'Armenians and Greek are two nations that have always been subjected to pressures in the territory of Armenia. The
purposeful genocide was against Armenians and Greeks, the real masters of today's Turkey. Instead of repenting, Turkey denies the reality', E. Polatov said.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Never forget 1988 and 1915

Dear Readers,

In 2006 I started this site for a deeper understanding between the Armenian and the Kurdish people through a cultural and historical perspective.

Something that I never wrote about the two tragic genocide of Kurds and Armenians have been subjected to, as in the current situation also holds together the peoples. It is not confined to despise a genocide, but very inhumane to support it. Genocide will happen again unless the world community is doing everything in its power to prevent it.

On 16th March 1988, the city of Helebce was bombed in southern Kurdistan, over 5000 people died within hours. The city has become a symbol of genocide in South Kurdistan as assaults from there is so well documented with photography and film.

After about 20 months a total of 182,000 people had been killed, over 1 million civilians were refugees (mostly women and children) and total of 4000 villages, 250 Kurdish cities, 2000 schools and 27 Assyrian churches had been destroyed. The genocide campaign also consisted of deportations, concentration camps and in the current situation over 270 mass graves have been found.

Genocide never happens by accident. It takes time to plan and organize. There are always warning signs. Although the genocide in South Kurdistan came as a surprise to many, there were enough warning signs, both in history and in the present that a genocide threatened.

Iraq's highest court has recognized the former regime's crimes against humanity. Saddam was sentenced to death quickly and never got the blame for the genocide but have Chemical Ali sentenced to death three times for attacks. So, the perpetrators have been taken, the current administration has acknowledged it and historians write about atrocities as genocide. Why then has not the international community recognized the Anfal-campaign as a genocide?

Both Armenians and Kurds need rehabilitation in order to forgive their perpetrators, Armenians have waited over 100 years for relief from today's Turkey, in 1915 over 1.5 million people were massacred, this genocide Hitler to annihilate the Jews during World War II.

All people who are victims of genocide must be rehabilitated so as to initiate a reconciliation process.

Never forget the genocide in southern Kurdistan on 16th March 1988!

Gurgin Bakircioglu / Gourgen Bakirsian


Written by mamoste Maruf, a Kurdish blogger from northern Kurdistan

Yekîneyên Hemîdî
Ber bi dawiya sedsala 19’an, Evdilhemîd baş tê derxistibû ku Dewleta Osmaniyan êdî nikare bi dugelên Ewropî re serî bigerî ne…
Hesbê Evdilhemîd ev bû:
Li rojhilat ji sed mîlyonî zêdetir misilman hebûn û ger bikaribûya polîtîkayek li ser vê rastiyê saz bikira wê gavê ji bo desthilatdariyê , dê neteweperestên Tûranî yên mûxalîf jî piştgiriyê bistenda.

Ser de jî ewî, nakokî yên ku di navbera Alman û Ewropî û Ûris de hebûn baş fam kiribû û carinan bi bertîl be jî, Almanan ber bi xwe ve kişandî bû .

Her çiqas armanca bi rêxistina yekîneyên Hemîdî ne tenê qira ermeniyan be jî, ji ber şert û mercên civakî yên rojhilata împaratoriyê, wê her du gel, ji bo hesabên navxweyî, dê biketina qirika hev û du…

Hê beriya damezirandina van yekîneyên paramîlîter, hêzên emperyalîstên Ewropî ji nîyeta Sultan hayîdarbûn.

Li gorî Yves Ternons, Evdilhemîd ji Professorê macarî Vambery re (bi eslê xwe cihû bû û di serayê de zarokên sultan perwerde dikir) wiha dibêje: “Yeqînî ya te bi xwedê be ezê demekî nêzik de Ermeniyan bînim rê. Dengê wan çawa tê birîn ez baş dizanim” Evdilhemîd, di sala 1863 de, Vambery dişîne Asyaya navîn û li ser rewşa gelên misilmanan pê raporan dide amadekirin.(bnr; Arminus Vambery, Bir sahte Dervişin Orta Asya Gezileri,ses yay.1993)
Navenda Alayên Hemîdi Ezirgan bû. Berpirsyar û sazûmankarê wan jî Muşîr Zekî paşayê Çerkez bû. Evdirehman Bedirxan di hejmara 28’a Kurdistanê de derheqê sazkirina van alayan de wiha dinivîse:
“Ev alayên Siwarên Hemîdî, wek hemî icraatênXunkar(Evdilhemid), bi niyetek fasid hatine danîn. Esil meqsed ji tesîsa van siwara ev e ku, weqta ku Ermenî ji zumla hukumetê gelek bêzar bin, edalet xwestin, Zekî Paşa tirsa ku Kurd jî ji zumla hukumetê xwe bidin mlê Ermeniyan û her du Milet bi tifaq dest hilînin. …Xunkar jî her divê nîfaqê bike mabeyna Milet û efradên binê destê xwe de. Loma fikra Zeki Paşa munasîb dît û da Kurda celbê xwe û ji Ermeniya dûr bike, zû tesîsa van siwara ferman kir”
Serokeşîrên Yekîneyên Hemîdiyan wek sercerdevanên îro dest datanîn ser zevî û mêrgan. Şêniyen dinên xizan û reben, yan dibûn şivan û gavanên wan an jî dibûn pale û xulam û ji wan re û nano ziko dixebitîn. Yên ku xweziliya xwe bi jiyanek azad û bi rûmet dianîn dest bi dizîyê û talanê dikirin, bi gelemperî jî ew çav berdidan malên cîranên xwe yên Ermenî. Carinan jî diziya kurdên ne hemîdi û elewiyan dikirin. Ji ber vê rewşa xiraba aborî û ewlehiyê gelek mirov ji gundan direviyan. Di sedsala 19’emîn de li Stenbolê tenê bi deh hezaran hemalê Kurd hebûn. Ger bê lêkolîn wê bê dîtin ku, koça kurdan ya girseyî ya ber bi metropolan ve, di vî sedsalê de destpêdike. Di sedsala 19’emîn de li Stenbolê tenê bi deh hezaran hemalên Kurd hebûn. Ev kurdên xizan û nezan bi hêzin ewlehiyê yên Osmaniyan û bi Çerkesan re bûn yek û êriş birin ser Ermeniyên ku li Kûmkapiya Stenbolê ji bo mafên xwe yên neteweyî xwepêşandanek lidarxistibûn. Di van bûyeran de bi sedan ermenî hatin kuştin. Dûv re Kurdên êrişkarên qehreman(!) bi barkêşiya (hemaltî) xanên Stenbolê tên xelatkirin (li pey xwepêşandana Kûpkapiyê, gelek hemalên ermenî tên seqetkirin û ev pîşe dikeve destê kurdan ( bnr; Ermenî Tabusu, Yves ternon, Belge yayınları, rûp; 116). Serekê van hemalan Zaro Axayê bi nav û deg e.

Evdirehman Bedirxan di hejmara 28’an a Kurdistanê de der heqê Hemîdiya de van gotinan dike: “çend salek e ev alay tesîs bîn,vî zemanî de mezerreta (xirabî) ewan li welat û Milet kirî, ne qabilê tarîf e. Ne Kurd û Ermenî tenê, lakîn îro Kurdistan bûye sê mil: Ermenî, Siwarên Hemîdî û Kurdên ne Hemîdî. Îro Kurdistanê de ev sê mil bûne neyarên hevdû; hevdû talan dikin, dikujin; welat bûye mezbahayek însana.Hetta gelek Kurd û Ermeniyên waqifê hal bûyin, îttifaq dikin, zulm û istibdadê hukumetê re çarekê digerin. Kurdistanê de tu qunc nema ku sed feryadên elîm jê mesmu nebit, tu der nemane ku ji xwîna masûma sor nebit. Kes ji ruhê xwe , malê xwe ne emîn e…”

Mamoste Marûf