Sunday, December 27, 2009

Narod, Armenian-Kurdish artist.

Narod is an artist of Armenian-Kurdish descent. She is originally from Wan-region and the pictures below are from one of her performances.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Armenians and Kurds: a historic parallel

"I see a very strong correlation not only regarding the solution but also regarding the origins of the Kurdish and Armenian issues," said Taner Akçam in a recent interview with the British blog "Changing Turkey in a Changing World." The interview appeared in the Armenian Weekly for Nov. 29.

Kurdish Armenian conference in Brussel

Information in Kurdish:

Li buroya Kurdî ya Brukselê konferansek bi wate: KURD DI WÊJEYA (EDEBIYAT) ERMENÎ DE Li Buroya Kurdî ya Brukselê konferansek pir bi wate tê dayin. Mijara konferansê ”Kurd di wêjeya ermenî de” ye. Yektan TÜRKYILMAZ bi giranî dê li ser salên di navbêra 1878 – 1915 de kur bibe. Konferans ji raya giştî re vekirî ye.

Mêjûyê konferansê: Yekşem, 27.12.2009, katjimêr (saet) 16.oo e. Navnîşana buroyê wisa ye: BUROYA KURDÎ, Quai aux Pierres de Taille 11 (Arduinkaai 11), 1000 Bruxelles.