Sunday, September 30, 2007

Video 3 - Kurds from Hayastan visits southern Kurdistan

Yezidi Kurds from the Kurdish diaspora in Armenia visits Lalish in southern Kurdistan 2006. The video is in Kurmancî andthe video is from

Towers of Lalish

Kurdish pre-Islamic religion is a small mountain valley situated in Iraqi Kurdistan, about 60 km north-West of the city of Mosul. Lalish is the location of the tomb of Sheikh Adi ibn Musafir, reformer of the Yazidi.


  1. hello gurgin,
    another informatie article of yours!
    Your new article about Yezidis remind me on my lecture I had about Yezidis last year. My class was quite impressed by this strange religion they never heard about before. I told them that this religion only exists by the Kurds, and that we have to save it for the future.

    Sure, the Yzidis need a kind of reformation because they still have backward sides...for example nobody is allowed to convert into Yezidizm...or a Yezidi person must marry with a Yezidi....or the honour killing that is known especially by hte Yezidis.

    But I think this religion deserves a second chance...I wish all the best for our Yezidis and all Kurds.

    We live for a better future.
    Greets, Ferrus

  2. keke Ferrus

    Thank you, I wish you could speak Swedish because I recorded a 2 hour lecture about the Yezidi Kurds in southern Kurdistan and in Armenia in Stockholm at the Kurdish Library.
