Saturday, September 13, 2008

Armenian Union Ezids about Gül's visit to Armenia

Aziz Tamoyan

The leader of the World and Armenian Union Ezids Aziz Tamoyan sharply
commented on Gul's visit to Armenia. He said that as a citizen he
welcomes establishment of contacts with Turkey buy he is sure this
process should not take place at the expense of breaking of the
national interests of Armenia and the rights of national minorities.

'Turkey implemented genocide not only against Armenians but also
Ezids, Greeks and assyrians. For this reason it should say sorry to all
of us', - Aziz Tamoyan said.


  1. es azgytyamb ezdiem jamanakavorapes aprumem evropayum kohc em anum bolor ezdinerin 1914 - 1918 tvakaneri turkiyai barbaros selduknere kazmakerpvat jartetin Ezdinerin tegahan anelov irenc bnakavayreric vre darer iver ezdinere aprumein ayd tarackum im pape yv ayd zulumit prtat mardik patmum ein yv sarsapum menk xndrumenk hamain mardkutyan vr arjanin matuten turkiain ev manr barbaros chegerin. aysor nuyne krknvume iraki Ezdineri het
