Kurdish journalist about the Armenian genocidePast and Present: genocide of Armenians
Alevit Because I am and we are in our area had no mosque, I have in my childhood with admiration the ruins of the Armenian churches considered. Although the walls of the churches were haggard, remained domes on the pillars on which the wonderful images to be seen. My birthplace was in the Kurdish language "Kizilkilise" Red Church. But like all the Kurdish name was also in Kizilkilise Turkish Nazimiye umbenannt.Meine childhood was shaped by two events. For one, this was the Dersim massacre that is still very fresh and very painful, since it took place and in 1937/38 to 70,000 Kurds by the Turkish army were killed. The second was the Armenian Genocide, adopted by the Turkish army in the years 1915-16 has been carried out and where both one and half million Armenians as well as half a million Assyrians were exterminated.
In the winter months, I have received from the people in my place of birth often heard these two events. We cried to the painful plight of the Armenian neighbors. To Anatolia a people, one nation, one state, a Sunni faith to allow the Turkish regime would clearly only the Armenians and Assyrians from the world, then the Kurds.
General Kazim Karabekir, against the Armenian and Assyrian peoples in the war, said: "Bu yandan zo zo lari, dönünce de lo lo isini Larin bitirecegiz." That means we are to the east during the invasion, the Armenians, on the way back to exterminate the Kurds.
Thus, I would say quite clearly that there is always a strategic state ideology of Turkey was only the Christian peoples, Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks from Turkey and Turkey is a Islamic state to make, then the remaining non-Turkish people the Kurds with their genocide and Ethnozid out of the way to create.
To implement this policy, the Turkish rulers of the people always played off against one another, deep hatred and large gaps between the peoples caused the hostility who are. Therefore, the Kurdish feudal lords of this Turkish policy is a very welcome tool and that it is today.
Therefore, the Turkish regime in Nordkurdistan some Sunni tribes, which immediately upon Armenians and Assyrians living in Mesopotamia, used for their cause. This Aschirets (strains) were only in the field Van, Urfa, Agri, Bingol and Mus, and they have been called Hasenen, Cibran, Zirkan, Sipkan, Zilan, Milan Aschirets etc. These are only a minority of Kurds, the regime has neither the Cooperation with Alevi Kurds still ezidischen and many other Sunni Kurds can get.
These were Aschirets sharply against Christians and they have made on behalf of the Turkish state and Islam were killed. We, the Kurds see that today's massacre of Armenians as a disgrace for the Kurdish people. I am ashamed that the Kurds their neighbors in this way have barbarically killed.
In the shadow of World War I. The Turks under Enver Pasha, Talat and Cemal with the approval and knowledge of Germany, the Christenpogrom in Anatolia and Mesopotamia before the eyes of the world organized. It was the first genocide in human history, precisely planned and had been carried out.
But we must also consider other side of the coin. These rags Brigades, which Turkey from 36 Kurdish tribes had recruited, according to the massacre of the Christian peoples, and also against Alevi ezidische (not Muslim) are Kurds. The regiments were exclusively from the Sunni tribes in Nordkurdistan formed.
This means that the young Turkish regime (Ittihat Terakki) in order to divide working towards the Kurds, according to the principle of "divide and rule" policy, better off against them. This was between Sunni and Alevi Kurds up continued today, causing enmity insurmountable.
The Hamidiye regiments were village guards as of today against the Kurds instrumentalised. Through the formation of such regiments was also the emergence of consciousness prevented Kurdish independence. This fact does not matter whether Armenians or Assyrians or Kurds but against itself, remains a blot on the Kurdish history.
Those Bandit, of Kurdish origin, yesterday Armenian villages attacked and killed people, now holds nothing back in order to kill his peers. Without doubt, one might wonder whether someone because others want it, can kill people?
Yes, the history of mankind is full of such happenings. Only about 50 years ago was the German fascism, the Jewish people to destroy industrial nature. This opinion after the victims were to blame! It relies on the Hitler Kemalists, those masters of genocide against the Armenians and Assyrians, and said about: The Kemalists have massacred the Armenians, the world has been seen. If I massacre the Jews, who will do something about that?
On this basis, he took the second largest genocide of the twentieth century.
The Turkish state is now the Kurds to their fellow countrymen to fight. As before, the Brigades were Hamidiye today to light Korucu-founded village guards gangs, whose number amounts to over 100,000. They are fighting against the Kurdish liberation movement, the guerrillas, who also are Kurds, and for freedom and prosperity and to fight all kinds of sacrifices, and in the mountains for their lives.
The mentality which yesterday massacred Armenians and Assyrians, Kurds can now massacre.
The Kurds in Dersim, despite pressure from the Turks, the Armenians who lived in their area, but not delivered protected. This protection of the Armenians were the Kurds of Dersim expensive later on, since the submission of Dersim in the year 1937/38 a punitive expedition of the Turkish state was.
Turkey is a multi-ethnic state. There live Turks, Kurds, Armenians, Assyrians and other minorities. Although Turkey internatonalen almost all agreements and
- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- The European Convention on the Conservation of Human Rights
- The CSCE Final Act, in the equal rights of peoples and their right to self-determination and for all the right to education in their mother tongue is recognized, had signed, they are daily violated human rights. And she wants with this witness in the EU.
The Armenian people was through the policy of Turkey in Anatolia exterminated. We, the Kurds want to share with our neighbors, Armenians, Assyrians and Turks live together peacefully. We want a country in which the sound of the church bell and the call of the muezzin are side by side.
We are no longer the Kurds, the tool of Turkey and their Christian neighbors eradicated. We are ashamed of us and would therefore do everything well.
hagalil.com 14-04-2005
By Haydar Isik