Teach genocide!
Teach genocide!Teach genocide! Kurdistan and Hayastan - Hand in Hand: Kurdish party apologizes to Armenians for 1915 incidentsKurdish party leader apologizes to Armenians for 1915

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Kurdish party apologizes to Armenians for 1915 incidentsKurdish party leader apologizes to Armenians for 1915

"Maybe Kurds have contributed to the loss of this (cultural) richness. We are ashamed when we look at our Armenian or Assyrian brothers"

/ Ahmet Turk , DTP.


Unknown said...

Självklart är det tragiskt att dessa kurder hjälpte till turkarna med mass slakten MEN dessa musliska kurdiska bönder som gick ihop med turkarna enbart för HÄMND, för armenska miliser mördade/våldtog kurderna i byar nära nuvarande Armenien! Allt har en orsak! Jag antar att du vet detta Gurgin eller har du nån agenda?

David said...

as an american armenian, I'd like to thank Mr Turk for his apology and look forward to establishing warm relations with the Kurdish people. An even more moving and heartfelt apology was received from your poet, Yousif Shikho. While the Turks used you for death squads against us (some say you were forced to participate), we will never forget the 1,000's of instances when Kurds (and even friendly turks) helped the Armenians escape the slaughter.
I propose we Armenians invite the Kurdish people to a grand party where we can begin to move forward as friends (the food and music will be incredible). Thank you for having the courage to admit the truth. Your apology has been accepted.