Teach genocide!
Teach genocide!Teach genocide! Kurdistan and Hayastan - Hand in Hand: "Infidel quarter"

Friday, October 10, 2008

"Infidel quarter"

Mıgırdiç Margosyan is a Armenian author from Amêd, northern Kurdistan (Diyarbakir).
He's most famous book “Gâvur Mahallesi” (Infidel Quarter) is a book about the Armenians in Amêd. His book Gavur Mahallesi was translated into Kurdish and published in 1999 with the title Li ba me, Li wan deran by Avesta Publishing in Istanbul.

Margosyan was born in 1938 in the Hançepek district of Diyarbakır (Amêd).
He received his primary education at the Suleyman Nazif İlkokulu and Ziya Gökalp Ortaokulu in Diyarbakır, and continued his secondary education at the Armenian community schools in Istanbul, attending Bezciyan Ortaokulu and Getronagan Lisesi. Margosyan received his college degree from the Philosophy Department of the Faculty of Letters at the Istanbul University.Between 1966-1972, Margosyan worked as the school director of the Surp Haç Tıbrevank Armenian High School and also taught philosophy, psychology, Armenian language and literature. Later he left teaching and started commercial activities.

Here is what the journalist Müjgan Arpat said about the Armenian quarter of Amêd (
Diyarbakir ) [SOURCE]:


“The Gavur neighborhood still carries the traces of the Armenian culture, despite all past plundering and destruction,” said Arpat. Explaining what the title refers to, she said, “In mansions and churches reflecting the thousands of years old Armenian culture, there live today many Kurdish families who migrated to Diyarbakır from other southeastern provinces.”


She said the novels of Mıgırdiç Margosyan, a Turkish writer of Armenian descent who was born in the Gavur neighborhood, inspired her and prompted her to conduct research in the historic Armenian neighborhood of Diyarbakır. In Giaor neighborhood, many of the historic buildings that belonged to the Armenians are called “gavur buildings,” and have been damaged for that reason, she said. “All cultures existing in this country are assets for us. We have to protect these cultures,” she added.


“This building is where Armenians used to have commercial transactions with Assyrians and Arabs a century ago. You can grasp the architectural value of it only by looking its façade, but when you enter the inner yard, you encounter almost an outdoor museum despite all damage to the structure so far,” she said.

Armenian church in Amêd, Kurdistan


Raffi said...

WoW! I never knew about this...

I'm sure much much much more is hidden and not revealed.

There is ages of history among the Armenians, Assyrians, Kurds and Turks, which is not revealed to the public.

Some day, they will all come out...

ماثيو said...

I've been translating this book into English! Here is a selection: