






Armenian and Kurdish Modern Politics & Culture
To increase the income gained from the ads, the Turkish State TV (TRT) undertook new steps. According to the Turkish daily "Sabah", an ad in Kurdish will be broadcast on TRT 6, as "Veritas Medya", managing the ad business in the Turkish TRT, considers it necessary. The ads in different languages and dialects are allowed to be on TRT since 1 January. According to this, Kurdish, Armenian, Arabic and ads in other languages are possible to be broadcast only when a corresponding program in that language is on.
Goran Candan
Eta (xwunga mazin) me Frîda Hecî Cewarî qîza navîn a kurdê navdar, qîza pêþengek ji civaka kurdên Qefqazê, qîza nivîsevan û zimannasê (fîlolog) naskirî, qîza hêja Heciyê Cindî (1908-1990) ye.
Frîda Cewarî sala 1934'ân Li Rewan'ê (Erîvan) hatiye dunyayê. Frîda Hecî Cewarî li zankoya (unîvêrsîteya) Moskovayê beþê pêdagogîyê û fakûltêta fîzîk-matêmatîkê biriye serî.
Ji hingê ve, li Rewanê ev e 50 sal e ku mamostetiya matêmatîkê ya Kolêca Rewanê dike. Hozanê navdar ê kurdê Qefqazê, Fêrikê Ûsiv (1934- 1997) ku ji vê çend salan berê çû ber dilovaniya Xwedê mêrê Xatûn Frîda Hecî Cewarî bû.
Frîda Cewarî ji bo yadgariya sedsaliya bûyina bavê xwe (2008) Heciyê Cindî, pirtûka bi navê Heciye Cindî - Jiyan û Kar derhaniye. Vê berhemê du caran jî daye weþandinê. Çapa duduyan bi alîkariya Înstîtuya Kurdî ya Parîsê hatiye derxistin.
Jiyana Heciyê Cindî, ji hêla her kurdekî kurdhez û wêjehez ve baþ dihêt naskirinê. Hecî li saxiya xwe ji ser 80 sernav (title) pirtûk derhanî û pirtûkxaneya kurdî pê dewlemendtir kir. Ev berhem xwedî babetên zaniyarî, wêjeyî yên cihêreng bûn. Hem berhemên ji ber pênûsa Hecî û hem jî berhemên wek karê wî yê wergêrvaniyê ên wek gelêrî (folklorî), perwerdeyî (pedagogî) bûn. Li pey koçkirina wî, li gor Eta Frîda, pênc (5) berhemên wî yên destnivîskî yên çapnebûyî jê mane. Bi xebat û lebata xwe ya xwandina zanistiyê, Heciyê Cindî hilkiþiya qada profêsoriyê.
Heciyê Cindî di sala 1908'ê de, li gundê Amançayirê, girêdayê Qersê ji dayîk bûye. Di salên 1918'an de, ji ber komkujî û hêrîþên leþkerên tirkan, ew koçber dibin û derbasî aliyê Sovyetê dibin. Li wir Hecî bê xwedî dimîne, dikeve sêwîxaneyê.
Li sêwîxaneyê bi sedan zarokên bêxwedî re perwerdeyên sereke û yên navînê wergirtiye. Sala 1929'an, derbasî qursa amadekirina mamostayetiyê bûye. Di sala 1930'an de, ketiye Fakulteya Rewanê (Erîvan) a zimannasiyê. Her wisan jî ew dibe xwendevanê kurd yê yekemîn ku li Ermenîstanê di fakultê de xwandin kiriye.
Heciyê Cindî gorbuhuþt, di sala 1932'an de, li nav civaka kurdî ya li Qefqazê, dest bi berhevkirina materyalên zargotina (folklora) Kurdî dike. Her wiha jî ji sala 1930'an de, di rojnameya Riya Teze û di Radoya Kurdî de (ku tenê nûçe diweþandin) dixebite.
WALTHAM, Mass. (A.W.)—On April 20, a panel discussion entitled “Subjects and Citizens: (Un)Even Relations between Turks, Kurds, Armenians” will be held at Bentley University’s Adamian Academic Center, Wilder Pavilion, on 175 Forest St. in Waltham. The event, organized by Bentley University’s Global Studies Department and the Armenian Review, begins at 7 p.m.
The panel is made up of a group of leading scholars and commentators, including Ugur Umit Ungor (University of Sheffield, UK), Bilgin Ayata (Johns Hopkins), Henry Theriault (Worcester State College), and Dikran Kaligian (Regis College). Asbed Kotchikian (Bentley Unversity) will moderate. Weekly editor Khatchig Mouradian will deliver opening remarks.
The panel aims at looking at the history and examining the power relations between Armenians, Kurds, and Turks after the apparent homogenization of eastern Anatolia as a result of the mass killings and deportations of the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire. The panel will discuss these relations and the prospects of rapprochement among the three groups.
Ugur Umit Ungor is a lecturer at the University of Sheffield. He was born in 1980 and studied sociology and history at the Universities of Groningen, Utrecht, Toronto, and Amsterdam. His main area of interest is the historical sociology of mass violence and nationalism in the modern world. He has published on genocide, in general, and on the Rwandan and Armenian Genocides, in particular. He finished his Ph.D., titled “Young Turk Social Engineering: Genocide, Nationalism, and Memory in Eastern Turkey, 1913–1950” at the department of history of the University of Amsterdam.
Bilgin Ayata is completing her Ph.D. at the department of political science at John Hopkins University, Baltimore. Her research interests include the politics of displacement, trans-nationalism, social movements, and migration. Her dissertation examines the displacement of Kurds in Turkey and Europe. She currently lives in Berlin.
Henry C. Theriault earned his Ph.D. in philosophy in 1999 from the University of Massachusetts, with a specialization in social and political philosophy. He is currently associate professor of philosophy at Worcester State College, where he has taught since 1998. Since 2007, he has served as co-editor-in-chief of the peer-reviewed journal “Genocide Studies and Prevention” and has been on the Advisory Council of the International Association of Genocide Scholars. His research focuses on philosophical approaches to genocide issues, especially genocide denial, long-term justice, ethical analyses of perpetrator motivations, and the role of violence against women in genocide.
Dikran Kaligian is a visiting professor in the history department at Regis College and managing editor of “The Armenian Review.” He received his doctorate from Boston College. He is the author of Armenian Organization and Ideology under Ottoman Rule: 1908-1914 (Transaction Publishers, 2009).
Asbed Kotchikian is a lecturer in political science and international relations at Bentley University. His area of research includes the foreign policies of small states, the modern political history of the post-Soviet south Caucasus, and issues of national identity.
The event is free and open to the public.
That came during a letter from a member of the Armenian National Congress to the Representative of PUK in France. The letter describes the move by the Kurdistan Region Parliament as a key step towards reinforcing fraternity relations between Kurds and Armenians.
Western Armenia website also posted a news report in French on this issue indicating a similar news report by the Kurdistan Region Parliament website.
Kurdistan Region Parliament in the framework of amending the Kurdistan region parliamentary elections law has decided to allocate one seat to the Armenians minority in the framework of quota system for representing the minorities in the Kurdistan region.
With Armenia and Kurdistan by Eduard Nolde ISBN 10: 3865030467 |
ISBN 13: 9783865030467 ISBN 13: 9783865030467 |
Untertitel: Mit Champagner auf Karwanenpfaden 1892. Subtitle: With champagne on Karwanenpfaden the 1892nd Hrsg. v. Helmut Arndt Hrsg v. Helmut Arndt |
Serie: Alte Abenteuerliche Reiseberichte Series: Old Adventurous Travelers |
Erscheinungsjahr: 2007 Year: 2007 |
Erschienen bei: Edition Erdmann Published by: Edition Erdmann |
Einband: Leinen Outlook: Leinen |
Seitenzahl: 320 Pages: 320 |
Gewicht: 546 Weight: 546 |
Sprache: Deutsch Language: English |
EUR 24,00 € EUR 24.00 € |
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